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Natalia Baena Cruces - B1 Vocabulary

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Natalia Baena Cruces B1 Vocabulary

B1 Vocabulary: resumen, descripción y anotación

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Spanish To The Point: B1 Vocabulary aims to be a useful and simple companion aid for all Spanish students who wish to improve their vocabulary in this language.
It is divided into twelve thematic units, all of which include a complete list of terms with their corresponding translation in English, accompanied by sentences in both languages. For each and every one of the entries, you will also find the phonetic transcription according to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).
The body of words in this book has been specifically selected for DELE exam candidates who seek to expand their vocabulary and improve their knowledge of Spanish.
Product details:

  • 280 pages
  • 5.25x8, portable but with ample writing space
  • Printed on easy-to-write-on 90 gsm white paper
  • Chlorine-free ink with acid-free interior paper stock supplied by a FSC-certified provider
  • Premium glossy cover
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    Spanish To The Point: B1 Vocabulary
    Spanish To The Point:
    B1 Vocabulary
    Spanish To The Point: B1 Vocabulary
    © 2021 Natalia Baena Cruces All rights reserved. While the publisher and the authors have used good faith efforts to ensure that the information and instructions contained in this work are accurate, the publisher and the authors disclaim all responsibility for errors or omissions, including without limitation responsibility for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on this work. Use of the information and instructions contained in this work is at your own risk. *Neither the author nor the publisher are affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the Instituto Cervantes foundation and its subsidiaries, including the DELE exams. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
    Spanish To The Point: B1 Vocabulary pretende ser una herramienta útil y sencilla para todos aquellos estudiantes de español que deseen aumentar su vocabulario en esta lengua.

    Se divide en doce unidades temáticas, cada una de las cuales incluye una completa lista de términos con su correspondiente traducción en inglés, acompañadas de oraciones en ambos idiomas. Asimismo, se incluye la transcripción fonética de todas las entradas según el Alfabeto Fonético Internacional (AFI). Se trata de palabras seleccionadas especialmente para los candidatos de los exámenes DELE que buscan ampliar su léxico y perfeccionar su conocimiento del castellano. Spanish To The Point: B1 Vocabulary aims to be a useful and simple companion aid for all Spanish students who wish to improve their vocabulary in this language. It is divided into twelve thematic units, all of which include a complete list of terms with their corresponding translation in English, accompanied by sentences in both languages. For each and every one of the entries, you will also find the phonetic transcription according to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

    The body of words in this book has been specifically selected for DELE exam candidates who seek to expand their vocabulary and improve their knowledge of Spanish.

    Household & Housework
    acogedor/aadj /akoxeðoɾ/ ▸ cosy
    Esta habitación es muy acogedora . This room is very cosy .
    afuerasn, f /afweɾas/ ▸ outskirts / suburb
    Su familia se mudó a una casa nueva en las afueras de la ciudad. His family moved into a new house in the suburbs .
    aire acondicionadon, m /aiɾe akondisjonaðo/ ▸ air conditioning
    Sólo usamos el aire acondicionado en agosto.

    We only use air conditioning in August.
    alquilarv /alkilaɾ/ ▸ to let / rent
    ¿Puedo alquilar esta casa por unos meses? Can I rent this house for a few months?
    alquilern, m /alkileɾ/ ▸ hire / rent
    Como no podía pagar el alquiler , le pedí ayuda a él. Since I couldn't pay the rent , I asked him for help.
    amplio/aadj /ampljo/ ▸ spacious / wide
    Quiero tener un salón amplio . I'd like to have a spacious living-room.
    amueblado/aadj /amweβlaðo/ ▸ furnished
    Estamos buscando un piso amueblado .

    We're looking for a furnished flat.
    amueblarv /amweβlaɾ/ ▸ to furnish
    ¿Cómo vais a amueblar vuestra casa? How are you going to furnish your new house?
    ancho/aadj /aɲʧo/ ▸ wide / broad
    Hay una calle ancha cerca de mi casa. There is a wide street near my house.
    ángulon, m /Aŋgulo/ ▸ angle / corner
    Ve las cosas desde todos los ángulos . She looks at things from all angles .
    antiguo/aadj /antiɣwo/ ▸ old / ancient
    Mi abuelo tiene un televisor antiguo que me quiere regalar.

    My grandfather has an old television that he wants to give me.
    aparaton, m /apaɾato/ ▸ device / appliance
    Quisiera pilas para este aparato . I would like batteries for this device .
    aparcamienton, m /apaɾkamjento/ ▸ parking
    Le robaron el coche en ese aparcamiento . He had his car stolen in that parking lot.
    apartamenton, m /apaɾtamento/ ▸ apartment
    Él vive solo en un apartamento .

    He lives alone in an apartment .
    armarion, m /aɾmaɾjo/ ▸ wardrobe / closet / cupboard
    Esta habitación tiene dos armarios para la ropa. This room has two closets for clothing.
    ascensorn, m /asθensoɾ, assensoɾ/ ▸ lift / elevator
    Bajamos en el ascensor . We went down by elevator .
    áticon, m /Atiko/ ▸ attic / penthouse
    Tom subió al ático por las escaleras.

    Tom climbed the stairs up to the attic .
    averían, f /aβeɾIa/ ▸ breakdown / failure
    ¿Cuál fue la causa de la avería ? What was the cause of the breakdown ?
    averiado/aadj /aβeɾjaðo/ ▸ broken
    Mi coche está averiado . My car has broken down.
    azotean, f /aθotea, asotea/ ▸ rooftop
    ¿Qué estabas haciendo en la azotea ? What were you doing on the rooftop ?
    balcónn, m /balkOn/ ▸ balcony
    Estoy en el balcón . I'm on the balcony .
    bañon, m /baɲo/ ▸ bath / bathroom / restroom / toilet
    ¿Dónde está el baño ? Where is the bathroom ?
    barandillan, f /baɾandiʎa/ ▸ banister / handrail / rail / railing
    María se inclinó sobre la barandilla .

    Maria leaned over the railing .
    barrion, m /barjo/ ▸ neighborhood
    En mi barrio hay un gran supermercado. There is a big supermarket in my neighborhood .
    bien comunicadoadj /bjen komunikaðo/ ▸ well connected
    ¿Está tu barrio bien comunicado con el centro? Is your neighborhood well connected with the center?
    bloquen, m /bloke/ ▸ block
    Vivo en ese bloque de pisos. I live in that block of flats.
    buhardillan, f /buaɾðiʎa/ ▸ garret / loft
    Llevo dos años viviendo en esta buhardilla .

    I've been living for two years in this loft .
    calefacciónn, f /kalefakθjOn, kalefaksjOn/ ▸ heating
    La calefacción no funciona. The heating doesn't work.
    calentarv /kalentaɾ/ ▸ to heat
    ¿Podrías calentar este plato? Could you heat this dish?
    casero/aadj /kaseɾo/ ▸ home-made / home-loving
    Sin duda soy una persona casera . I'm definitely a home-loving person.
    cementon, m /θemento, semento/ ▸ cement
    El cemento fraguará en un par de horas.

    The cement will set in a couple of hours.
    chalén, m /ʧalE/ ▸ villa / detached house
    Me encantaría vivir en un chalé . I'd love to live in a villa .
    clásico/aadj /klAsiko/ ▸ classic / classical / vintage

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