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Arturo Segura - john Ford en Innisfree

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Arturo Segura john Ford en Innisfree
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Cfr: confrontar con —otras referencias—.

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency —Agencia Central de Inteligencia

ed. / eds.: editor / editores.

IRA: Irish Republican Army —Ejército Republicano Irlandés

Ibídemo Ibíd.: cita extraída de una misma referencia ya mencionada con anterioridad.

MGM: Metro Goldwyn Mayer.

n: incluida en una nota a pie de página, si a su vez es cita de otra nota a pie de página existente en la referencia original.

nn: números.

Op. cit.: obra ya citada con anterioridad.

OSS: Office of Strategic Services —Oficina de Servicios Estratégicos

p. / pp.: página / páginas.

RKO: Radio Keith Orpheum.

s / ss: página siguiente / páginas siguientes.

SEP: The Saturday Evening Post.

SIP: Selznick International Pictures.

UA: United Artists.


Appreciation Steve Matheson. Maurice Walsh: A Critical Appreciation

Boom Thomas Schatz. Boom and Bust

«Daughter» Maurice Walsh. «Then Came the Captain’s Daughter»

EEUU I G. P. Brunetta. Historia mundial del cine. Estados Unidos I*

EEUU II G. P. Brunetta. Historia mundial del cine. Estados Unidos I**

Ford Lindsay Anderson. Sobre John Ford

Green Maurice Walsh. Green Rushes

Guide Des MacHale. A Complete Guide to The Quiet Man

«Hija» Maurice Walsh. «Y llegó la hija del capitán»

Hombre Maurice Walsh. El hombre tranquilo

Introduction Sean Crosson. The Quiet Man… and Beyond: An Introduction

Irish Adrian Frazier. Hollywood Irish

John F. VV. AA. John Ford

Miscellany Des MacHale. A Quiet Man Miscellany

Picture Des MacHale. Picture The Quiet Man

Pista Joseph McBride. Tras la pista de John Ford

Quiet Luke Gibbons. The Quiet Man

Romanticism Luke Gibbons. Romanticism, Realism and Irish Cinema

Searching Joseph McBride. Searching for John Ford

Speaks James MacKillop. The Quiet Man Speaks

Storyteller Steve Matheson. Maurice Walsh, Storyteller

Technicolor Herbert T. Kalmus. Technicolor Adventures in Cinemaland

Two Philip Dunne. Take Two


—ABERDEEN, J. A. Hollywood Renegades. The Society of Independent Motion Picture Producers. Cobblestone Entertainment, Los Ángeles 2000.

—AGEE, James. Agee on Films. Criticism and Comment on the Movies. Modern Library, New York 2000.

—ANDERSON, Lindsay. Sobre John Ford. Escritos y conversaciones. Paidós, Barcelona 2001.

—ARENSBERG, Conrad M. and KIMBALL, Solon T. Family and Commmunity in Ireland. Harvard University Press, Cambridge 1968.

—BALIO, Tino. United Artists. The Company that Changed the Film Industry. The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1987.

—BALIO, Tino (ed.). Grand Design. Hollywood as a Modern Business Enterprise, 1930-1939. University of California Press, Berkeley Los Ángeles-London 1995.

—BAXTER, John. The Cinema of John Ford. Zwemmer/Barnes, London-New York 1971.

—BELLAH, James Warner. Un tronar de tambores y otras historias de la caballería americana. Valdemar, Madrid 2012.

—BERG, A. Scott. Recordando a Kate. La biografía íntima de Katharine Hepburn. Lumen, Barcelona 2003.

—BERNSTEIN, Matthew. Walter Wanger. Hollywood Independent. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2000.

—BLACK, Gregory D. La cruzada contra el cine 1940-1975. Cambridge University Press, Madrid 1999.

—BORDWELL, David, STAIGER, Janet y THOMPSON, Kristin. El cine clásico de Hollywood. Estilo cinematográfico y modo de producción hasta 1960. Paidós, Barcelona 1997.

—BRAIDWOOD, John Patrick. Cultural Quietism. Maurice Walsh, The Quiet Man and Cultural Quietism in Ireland in the 1930s, 1950s and 1990s. Trabajo inédito en Master of Arts defendido en la Warwick University.

—BRUNETTA, Gian Piero (ed.).

Historia mundial del cine. Estados Unidos I. Vol I. Akal, Madrid 2011.

Historia mundial del cine. Estados Unidos I. Vol II. Akal, Madrid 2012.

—BUSCOMBE, Edward. Stagecoach. British Film Institute, London 1996.

—CAPOTE, Truman.

In Cold. Blood. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick 2009.

A sangre fría. Anagrama, Barcelona 2008.

—CAPRA, Frank. El nombre delante del título. Autobiografía. T&B Editores, Madrid 1999.

—CAREY Jr., Harry. Company of Heroes. My Life as an actor in the John Ford Stock Company. Taylor Trade Publishing, 2013.

—CARLETON, William.

Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Vol. I. William Curry, Dublin 1830.

Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry. Vol. II. William Curry, Dublin 1830.

—CEPLAIR, Larry and ENGLUND, Steven. Inquisition in Hollywood. Politics in the Film Community, 1930-1960. University of Illinois Press, Urbana - Chicago 2003.

—CISEK, Janusz. Kosciuszko, We Are Here! American Pilots of the Kosciuszko Squadron in Defense of Poland, 1919-1921. McFarland & Company Publishers, Jefferson 2002.

—COFFEY, Michael (ed.). The Irish in America. Hyperion, New York 1997.

—COOPER, Merian Caldwell. Things Men Die For. G. P. Putnam’s Sons / The Knickerbocker Press, New York - London 1927.

—COTTA VAZ, Mark. Living Dangerously. The Adventures of Merian C. Cooper, Creator of King Kong. Villard Books, New York 2005.

—CROSS, David Michael. Frank «Spig» Wead. A Naval Officer in Hollywood. San Diego University, San Diego 1996.

—CUSIC, Don. The Cowboy in Country Music. An Historical Survey with Artist Profiles. McFarland & Company Publishers, Jefferson 2011.

—CUSTEN, George F. Twentieth Century’s Fox: Darryl F. Zanuck and the Culture of Hollywood. Basic Books, New York 1997.

—DAVIS, Ronald L. John Ford. Hollywood’s Old Master. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman-London 1995.

—De TOTH, André. Fragments. Portraits from the Inside. Faber & Faber, London 1995.

—DUNNE, Philip.

How Green Was my Valley. The Screeplay for the John Ford Film. Santa Teresa Press, Santa Barbara 1990.

Take Two. A Life in Movies and Politics. Limelight Editions, New York 1992.

—ENGLISH, Richard. Ernie O’Malley. IRA Intellectual. Oxford University Press, Oxford —New York 1999.

—EYMAN, Scott. John Ford. Print the Legend. T&B Editores, Madrid 2006.

—EYMAN, Scott y DUNCAN, Paul (eds.). John Ford. Filmografía completa. Taschen, Madrid 2004.

—FALK, Andrew Justin. Upstaging the Cold War. American Dissent and Cultural Diplomacy, 1940-1960. University of Massachusetts Press, 2010.

—FIELDING, Raymond (ed.). A Technological History of Motion Pictures and Television: An Anthology from the Pages of the «Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers». University of California Press, Berkeley —Los Angeles 1974.

—FITZGERALD, Olga. Ashford Castle. Through the Centuries. Cadogan Publications, London 2001.

—FITZMAURICE, Gabriel (ed.). The Listowel Literary Phenomenon. North Kerry Writers —A Critical Introduction. Clo Iar-Chonnachta, Indreabhán, Conamara 1994.

—FORD, Dan. Pappy. The Life of John Ford. Da Capo Press, New York 1998.


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