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Karen Armstrong - Mahoma

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Karen Armstrong Mahoma

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Quisiera agradecer a Liz Knights, mi editora en la editorial Gollancz, y a Peter James, mi corrector de estilo, su esmerada revisión del manuscrito y sus útiles sugerencias. Asimismo, me gustaría expresar mi más profunda gratitud a Rana Kabbani por su inestimable contribución a esta obra.

Bibliografía selecta

Abbot, N., Aishah the Beloved of Muhammad, Chicago, 1942.

Alighieri, D., The Divine Comedy, Cantica I: Hell, Londres, 1949. [Trad. esp.: Divina comedia, Ediciones Altaya, Barcelona, 1999].

Andrae, T., Muhammad: The Man and His Faith, Londres, 1936.

Arberry, A. J., The Koran Interpreted, Oxford, 1964.

—, Sufism: An Account of the Mystics of Islam, Londres, 1950.

Armstrong, K., The Gospel According to Woman: Christianity’s Creation of the Sex War in the West, Londres y Nueva York, 1986.

—, Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today’s World, Londres, 1988; Nueva York, 1991.

Baudricourt, M., La Guerre et le gouvernement de l’Algérie, París, 1853.

Bell, R., The Origin of Islam in Its Christian Environment, Londres, 1926.

—, Qu’ran, Translated with a Critical Re-arrangement of Its Suras, 2 vols., Edimburgo, 1937-1939. [Trad. esp.: Introducción al Corán, Encuentro, Madrid, 1988].

Boulares, H., Islam: The Fear and the Hope, Londres, 1990.

Brown, P., The Making of Late Antiquity, Cambridge, Mass., y Londres, 1978. [Trad. esp.: El primer milenio de la cristiandad, Crítica, Barcelona, 1997].

Campbell, J. (con Moyers, B.), The Power of Myth, Nueva York y Londres, 1988. [Trad. esp.: El poder del mito, Salamandra, Barcelona, 1991].

Carlyle, T., On Heroes and Hero-Worship, Londres, 1841. [Trad. esp.: Los héroes, Globus Comunicación, Madrid, 1995].

Chittick, W. C., A Shi’ite Anthology, Londres, 1980.

Corbin, H., Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi, Londres, 1970.

—, Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth: From Mazdean Iran to Shi’ite Iran, Londres, 1970.

Crone, P., y Cook, M., Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World, Cambridge, 1977.

Cuppitt, D., Taking Leave of God, Londres, 1980.

Dan, J., «The Religious Experience of the Merkavah», en Green, A., ed., Jewish Spirituality, 2 vols., Londres, 1986, vol. I.

Daniel, N., Islam and the West: The Makings of an Image, Edimburgo, 1960.

—, The Arabs and Medieval Europe, Londres y Beirut, 1975.

Deshti, A., Twenty-three Years, Londres, 1985.

Dronke, P., Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua (d. 203) to Marguerite Porete (d. 1310), Cambridge, 1984. [Trad. esp.: Las escritoras de la Edad Media, Crítica, Barcelona, 1995].

Eco, U., Travels in Hyper-Reality, Londres, 1987. [Trad. esp.: De los espejos y otros ensayos, Lumen, Barcelona, 1998].

Eliade, M., The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion, Nueva York, 1959. [Trad. esp.: Lo sagrado y lo profano, Paidós, Barcelona, 1998].

Frend, W. H. C., Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of a Conflict form the Maccabees to Donatus, Oxford, 1965.

Fuller, P., Images of God: The Consolations of Lost Illusions, Londres, 1982.

Gabrieli, F., Muhammad and the Conquests of Islam, Londres, 1968. [Trad. esp.: Mahoma y las conquistas del Islam, Guadarrama, Barcelona, 1968].

Gibbon, E., The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. Saunders, D., Londres, 1980. [Trad. esp.: Historia y decadencia del Imperio romano, Alba Editorial, Barcelona, 2003].

Gilsenan, M., Recognizing Islam, Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East, Londres y Nueva York, 1982.

Green, A., ed., Jewish Spirituality, 2 vols., Londres, 1986-1968.

Guillaume, A., trad. y ed., The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, Londres, 1955.

Heschel, A. J., The Prophets, 2 vols., Nueva York, 1962.

Hill, Rosalind, trad. y ed., Gesta Francorum of The Deeds of the Franks and the Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem, Londres, 1962.

Hodgson, M. G. S., The Venture of Islam: Conscience and History in a World Civilization, 3 vols., Chicago, 1974.

Iqbal, M., sir, Six Lectures on the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, Lahore, 1930.

Joinville, J., The life of St Louis, ed. de Wailly, N., Londres, 1955.

Kabbani, R., Europe’s Myths of the Orient, Londres, 1986.

—, Letter to Christendom, Londres, 1989.

Kedar, B., Crusade and Mission: European Approaches to the Muslims, Princeton, 1984.

Keddie N. R., ed., Religion and Politics in Iran: Shi’ism from quietism to Revolution, New Haven y Londres, 1983.

Kepel, G., The Prophet and Pharaoh: Muslim Extremism in Egypt, Londres, 1985. [Trad. esp.: Faraón y el profeta, El Aleph, Barcelona, 1988].

Jan, M. Z., Islam: Its Meaning for Modern Man, Londres, 1962.

Leaman, O., An Introduction to Medieval Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge, 1985.

Lewis, B., The Arabs in History, Londres, 1950. [Trad. esp.: Los árabes en la historia, Edhasa, Barcelona, 1996].

—, Islam from the Prophet Mohammad to the Capture of Constantinople, 2 vols. vol I: Politics and War, vol. II: Religion and Society, Nueva York y Londres, 1976.

—, The Muslim Discovery of Europe, Nueva York y Londres, 1982.

—, The Jews of Islam, Nueva York y Londres, 1982. [Trad. esp.: Los judíos del Islam, Letrumero, Madrid, 2002].

—, Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice, Londres, 1986.

Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G., Continuity and Change in Roman Religion, Cambridge, 1979.

Lings, M., Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources, Londres, 1983. [Trad. esp.: Muhammad: su vida, basada en las fuentes más antiguas, Ediciones Hiperión, Madrid, 1989].

Mansfield, P., The Arabs, 3.ª ed., Londres, 1985.

Massignon, Louis, La Passion d’Hallaj, 2 vols., París, 1922.

Nasr, S. H., Muhammad: Man of Allah, Londres, 1982.

—, ed., Islamic Spirituality: Foundation, Londres, 1987.

—, Ideals and Realities of Islam, Londres, 1966.

Nicholson, R. A., The Mystics of Islam, Londres, 1914.

—, Eastern Poetry and Prose, Cambridge, 1922.

Parrinder, G., Sex in the World’s Religions, Londres, 1980.

Pernoud, R., The Crusaders, Edimburgo y Londres, 1963. [Trad. esp.: Los hombres de las cruzadas, Swan, colección Torre de la Botica, Móstoles, 1999].

Prideaux, H., The True Nature of Imposture, Fully Displayed in the Life of Mahomet, 7.ª edición, Londres, 1708.

Rodinson, M., Mohammed, Londres, 1971. [Trad. esp.: Mahoma, Ediciones Península, Barcelona, 2002].

Ruthven, M., Islam in the World, Londres, 1984.

—, A Satanic Affair: Salman Rushdie and the Rage of Islam, Londres, 1990.

Said, E. W., Orientalism: Western Conception of Orient, Nueva York y Londres, 1985. [Trad. esp.: Orientalismo, Ediciones Libertarias-Prodhufi, Madrid, 1990].

—, Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World, Nueva York y Londres, 1981.

Sardar, Z., y Davies, M. W., Distorted Imagination: Lessons from the Rushdie Affair, Londres, 1990.

Saunders, J. J., A History of Medieval Islam, Londres y Boston, 1965.

Schimmel, A., And Muhammad Is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety

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